Prof Roy Lubke
Restoration Goals: stabilisation, revegetation, replacement or reclamation, rehabilitation or restoration? Professor Roy Lubke is a specialist in Plant Taxonomy and…
Restoration Goals: stabilisation, revegetation, replacement or reclamation, rehabilitation or restoration? Professor Roy Lubke is a specialist in Plant Taxonomy and…
Developing standards and guidelines for rehabilitation in the Kalahari Konrad Krüger is a multi-disciplinary environmental scientist and project manager with…
Industry trends Mrs Chrizette Neethling focused her MSc specialisation on restoration ecology in the Kalahari and holds numerous other degrees…
The importance of research and monitoring for rehabilitation Prof Dr Klaus Kellner has been rated a C3 researcher by the…
The rationale for soil health with respect to mine rehabilitation in arid areas Mr Piet van Deventer obtained an MSc…
Rehabilitation, risk assessment and risk management Dr Philip Tanner obtained the BSc Agric (Hons) degree from the University College of Rhodesia…
The greatest groundwater story never told Dr Roger Parsons is a hydrogeologist with almost 40 years’ experience. After graduating from…