The importance of research and monitoring for rehabilitation
Prof Dr Klaus Kellner has been rated a C3 researcher by the NRF in South Africa in the field of Conservation and Management of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. He has worked at the North-West University for more than 30 years as lecturer, mentor, supervisor and researcher. His fields of expertise include vegetation dynamics, land degradation and desertification, restoration ecology and range condition assessment of mainly arid- and semi-arid lands. He is part of the National Steering Committee of the Kalahari Namib Project, contributed to the review on Land Degradation and Restoration and other chapters for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. He was also involved in the Land Degradation Neutrality report for South Africa, and represents South Africa at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification – Committee on Science and Technology, and is a member of the National Coordinating Committee for UNCCD matters at the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environmental Affairs.
Apart from doing work for the United Nations Environment Program and the African Union regarding his field of expertise, he also acts as external examiner for many post-grad students from other universities.