The rationale for soil health with respect to mine rehabilitation in arid areas
Mr Piet van Deventer obtained an MSc in soil science as well as a post-graduate diploma in terrain evaluation from North-West University, South Africa. His 53 years’ work experience includes, amongst others, soil pollution evaluation, mine rehabilitation and post-closure land use; biochemical, geochemical and physical geological exploration and remote sensing; engineering geology, soil water research, environmental impact assessments for solar farms and lecturing in soil science and geology. He has managed more than 180 major research projects for the mining industry, Water Research Commission, solar farm industry, mine rehabilitation companies, SA Soil Classification Working Group and the biochar industry.
Piet acted as supervisor/co-supervisor for more than 40 final year and postgraduate (Hons, MSc and PhD) geology and soil science students at North-West University, Free State University, UNIVEN and Stellenbosch University.
He is author and co-author of many publications, chapters, and books, and more than 180 technical reports. His latest publication is the Agreenco Mine Rehabilitation Glossary which was published in 2021.